Catering For All Occasions 1-877-607-8560

Select the type of event

How many guest are expected?

Select the type of cuisine:

Date of event:

Select serving preference:



City: State: Zip:

E- Mail Address: Phone:

Sample Price List

This is provided so that you may budget and estimate funds necessary to finance your event. These prices do not include delivery, set-up, or wait staff which may vary depending on your selections. This will determine the deposit and time frame necessary to make your event a success.

Caribbean Cuisine

Prices reflect service for 10. To estimate higher service numbers, multiply then subtract 10%.

Example: Curry Chicken for 30 guests 29.99 x 3 = 89.97 - 10% = 80.97

To make multiple selections, hold down ctrl key while clicking on choices.

Main Course

Salad & Vegetables

Hors d'oeuvres



Remember! Variety is the spice of life. For a party of 50, Mix it up a little by ordering 2 or 3 different main courses so that different people can try different things. You may offer a menu selection with your invitations so that you can determine your guest's preference.

This is not a contract. This is a request for a price quote and or estimate. When an agreement is reached, a contract will be sent to you requiring a signature and a deposit. You may send inquiries to us by e-mail at or or 1-877-607-8560